Thursday, February 20, 2020

American Academy of Physicians Assistants Essay

American Academy of Physicians Assistants - Essay Example The organization strives to enhance an improvement in healthcare through efforts to improve on the quality of the healthcare, the accessibility, and cost effectiveness (DEA Publishes Final Rule to Reclassify Hydrocodone Combination Products. (n.d.). The organization is guided by a comprehensive strategic plan through which the purpose for their existence is well laid out. Through such a comprehensive plan, the organization intends to achieve an acceleration of reforms both at the national and at the state levels majoring on increased access to healthcare and a reduction in costs (American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA)., 2012). They also intend to ensure that the patients who visit various healthcare centers get the value for their money. Through their consumer centric healthcare approach, the organization wants to make sure that key health decision making is left in the hands of the consumers of the products together with the key organizations who play a major role in the industry. They as well intend through competitive healthcare structures that the consumer get quality. Thie is well planned by way of consolidating the industry and the vertical integration of all the industry players. Such strategies are intended to open up the playing field making sure that there is a level play ground hence players are able to come in with their varied models (DEA Publishes Final Rule to Reclassify Hydrocodone Combination Products. (n.d.). These and more are the main issues that the society have come to realize as having an impact on the American population. Therefore, they are position the Pas by equipping them with skills and knowledge to combat such challenges head on. Through the values the organization stand for such as leadership and service, unity and teamwork, accountability and transparency as well as excellence and equity: the organization is able to impact positively on their stakeholders. The patients in the US as a result will be in the position

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Short essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Short - Essay Example The most commonly renowned African arts are figurines, vessels and statuettes. Sacred arts and ritual arts were adversely linked to elaborate and intricate beadwork of many African communities. An all-inclusive orality and musical performances, divinatory art, body art and style were additional ritual performances in African tradition. This paper describes sacred arts and ritual performances in African religion. Cherokee ritual ceremony was one of the African ceremonies, which were well organized and undertaken regularly. Cherokee ritual ceremony traces its roots from Algeria in the North America. Cherokee ceremonies were held with the cycles of mother earth. During the ceremony, positive attitudes were to be held to the later. It, therefore, emerged as a ceremony offering worshipping opportunities, socialization and bonding for the entire clan. Ceremonial instruments were used during these occasions such as drums, tuttle shells rattles and guard shell rattles. A sacred fire was an additional symbol for god’s existence during these ceremonies. Sacred rattles were a shambolic and symbolic representation of holiness. Currently, this ceremony is carried out by Afro-American based immigrants as well as the North African communities. Priesthood was a noble profession in the ancient African societies; in order to become a priest in the traditional African societies, the individuals had to be respectful, godly and an oratory individual who was able to convince the people to follow the gods were worshipping. Priests had to know all the social and cultural ways of his community. Priests had to woo a larger mass of their communities to become believers (Olupona 84). Lastly, priesthood was determined by faith of individuals. Those who were capable of strongly standing by the communities during times of dire need were automatically awarded priesthood positions. Being priestess in the African traditions was directly linked by the societal norms; women in most African